
Showing posts with the label 8. Adaptations

National Defense University 2021 - THE PLA BEYOND BORDERS - Chinese Military Operations in Regional and Global Context.

National Defense University 2021 - THE PLA BEYOND BORDERS - Chinese Military Operations in Regional and Global Context. Publication link below. Key excerpts follows: This volume seeks to combine these themes into a broad survey of Chinese military operations within and beyond Asia. China’s increasing pattern of military activities abroad raises a number of questions: 1.     What goals are the Chinese Communist Party, the PLA, and different bureaucracies within the PLA pursuing in these operations? 2.     What explanations best account for different types of operations and activities? 3.     In the context of the PLA’s recent restructuring, how are new or realigned organizations, such as the theater commands, the Strategic Support Force (SSF), and the Joint Logistic Support Force, intended to support overseas operations? 4.     How will China sustain expeditionary forces for long periods without an extensive networ...